Plan B

In life you never know how things are going to turn out and end up. You go through life thinking that you have every step planned, you’re going to go to college, then get married, then have children, then live happily ever after. But then along the way things get a little twisted. Maybe you get married before you end up going to college. Maybe you never get married, maybe you never go to college..what ever the plot twist might be you never expected it to occur.

Now, what I’m going to talk about isn’t at all as serious as going to college, getting married, or having it is about not getting to go see a movie (insert everyone’s eye roll). So, I was planning on going to see Pitch Perfect 2 this weekend with my older brother and I was really excited. I even planned on making a review on here about how I thought it compared to the first one and all that (which can still be expected once I go and see it). But then as I was waiting for him to tell me to start getting ready for it he instead comes and tells me that we will not be seeing it this weekend…

At first I was a little bit upset because I wanted to see it and blog about it because that is what I had planned out in my mind, but then I had a talk with my wise grandmother. She asked me why I was upset and I told her (even though hearing it aloud made me feel very stupid) and this was her response, “Sometimes you can’t always count on what you planned. Throughout life your plans are going to have to change which is why you always need a plan B. Make sure to always have a plan B with everything you do because sometimes your plan A doesn’t work out.”

Right now, as I type, I am creating my plan B. So instead of writing a review about the two movies I will be writing what I expect to get out of the second movie, which is as follows.


  • Fat Amy will be once again telling some amazing jokes. Lesib-honest (see what I did there) her jokes from the first movie were hilarious and very quotable!
  • The competition will be fierce. From the trailers I can tell the competition will be more intense and also bring some new faces and jokes into the mix.
  • There may be another song like the cup song. While watching the 2nd trailer I believe I saw and heard the Bellas singing while clapping and stomping among other things…if that’s not the start of a new “cup song” then I don’t know what is
  • Hopefully some budding romance. We will just have to wait and see but I believe Fat Amy and Bumper might be forming a little relationship!   😉
  • Maybe some more pre-show jitters (comparing to what happened within the first 10 mins of Pitch Perfect). This was just a gripping start to the first one. I mean who looks away from a movie that is daring enough to open with such a thing!
  • The acting will be amazing and maybe even better then before with a lot more chemistry between the actors. In Pitch Perfect the actors were amazing, however I think they have grown so much as a cast and the movie will prosper because of it!

There you go, my plan B. I really hope you enjoyed and maybe you have some more expectations to share (and if you have seen the movie PLEASE don’t spoil). I’m sorry if I got a little serious in the beginning but I hope you can forgive me. Its been amazing sharing with you a little piece of my life and sharing some thoughts! Keep an eye out later on this week to see if I ever post my review of the actual movie and also for my Thursday post. Thanks again for reading and I’ll talk to you later!